Olen Pauli Tiittanen.
Olen 21-vuotias IT Innostunut. valmistunut ICT-asentajaksi Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattiopistosta 2021. Etsin työtehtäviä, jossa voin työskennellä tietokoneiden, verkko- ja käyttöjärjestelmien parissa. Työntekijänä olen tunnolinen, ahkera ja nopea oppimaan uutta.

Proxmox lvm -> zfs mirror conversion
I Have single drive for my main proxmox node. It has all VM’s disks. Separate hardware raid has proxmox install. Try first in a VM before proceeding. I mainly created this for my self, when I tried this in a VM. Yet to be done in practice in production. Plug…
Proxmox live iSCSI LVM resizing
Resizing the LUN I use TrueNAS as my iSCSI host. I have the lvm as a Zvol TrueNAS -> Storage -> PoolsSelect the Volume you have attached to proxmox Increase the value for “Size for this zvol”. Only Increasing is allowed through the webui. Proxmox resizing For me the iSCSI…
Proxmox Backup issues
Backups is like insurance. If something fails or a fuckup happens, we can count on backups. when I went to do some system updates production systems. Went and did a more recent fresh backup, and then I saw it. Really old backups and no new updates. After finding out Backup…